Månadsarkiv: november 2016

For the first time in two years, prices in Poland go up

According to GUS (Central Statistical Office) this November marked the first time in over two years that the prices went up in comparision to

Polish MPs back tax plan to help low earners

The tax-free allowance for Poland’s lowest earners will be increased to PLN 6,600 (EUR 1,490) a year under plans approved by the country’s parliament

Statsminister Stefan Löfven tar emot Polens president Andrzej Duda i Stockholm

Den 30 november – 1 december besöker Polens president Andrzej Duda Sverige. Som en del av besöket tar statsminister Stefan Löfven emot presidenten för

Poland’s PGZ eyes team-up with Rolls-Royce

The Polish Armaments Group (PGZ) is eyeing a team-up with British engineering firm Rolls-Royce in the maritime, aerospace and energy sectors. The companies signed

OECD: Polen har gjort stora framsteg

Ekonomin har under de senaste 20 åren växt snabbare i Polen än i något annat land i Europa, och Polen har gjort beundransvärda framsteg.

Världsbanken: Polens tillväxt sjunker i år men ökar 2017

Även Världsbanken konstaterar nu en avmattning i Polens ekonomi, men det vänder enligt banken fort igen. Tillväxten beräknas tillfälligt sjunka under 3,2 % 2016 men

Polish President Andrzej Duda signed an “innovation law”

Today, on November 23, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda signed a so-called Innovation Law, changing some laws concerning conduct of innovation activities’ conditions. After signing

Polish lawmakers pass the bill on retirement age reduction

Polish Sejm voted approvingly on lowering retirement age to 60 for women and 65 for men, which is an overturn of the reform passed in

Polish GDP only 2,5% higher than a year ago

According to GUS (Poland’s Central Statistical Office), in the 3rd quarter of 2016 seasonally adjusted GDP (constant prices, reference year 2010) was higher by

Short news from Poland

Polish power consumption stable y/y in October Polish electricity consumption in October increased by a marginal 0.01% year on year to 14,158 GWh, while
