Håkan Samuelsson, VD för Volvo Personvagnar AB, sa att Volvo planerar att införa självkörande bilar innan 2021. Senast 2017 kommer riktiga kunder att använda 100…
Den polska regeringen ämnar inte liberalisera sin lagstiftning vad gäller spel på nätet, något som kan få negativa effekter för Net Ent och Evolution…
In May, Polish enterprises gained access to a new form of preferential financing from the European Union under its Framework Programmes for 2014-2020.…
Poland’s investments will likely grow by 1.2% in 2016, 4.1% in 2017 and 4.4% in 2018, central bank NBP said in July inflation projection,…
Poland has already produced a number of global tech startup successes, social learning network Brainly being one of them. The company reports more than…
Poland’s economy is growing at a stable rate, economists from Poland’s central bank (NBP) indicate in their latest report. The analysts expect the country’s…