Poland’s April C/A surplus hits PLN 2.56bn

Poland recorded PLN 2.56 billion current account surplus in April, or EUR 594 million, after recording EUR 103 million deficit in March, according to central bank NBP figures released Monday.

Analysts surveyed by PAP Polish news agency expected a surplus of EUR 325 million. Poland saw a PLN 2.2 billion surplus on trade in goods. The balance of services was positive at PLN 4.5 billion.

That trade balance comes on a 12.0% year on year increase in April exports to PLN 65.2 billion. That growth came chiefly on sales of automotive industry goods, food and furniture, mainly to the EU, central bank said. Imports increased by 7.3% year on year to PLN 63 billion, boosted by increased purchases of automotive products, food and medicines.
