Årliga Arkiv: 2014

V?rfesten i Wróblówka, lördagen den 17:e maj 2014

V?rfesten i Wróblówka, lördagen den 17:e maj 2014, kl 19:00. (Otomin, nära Gdansk). V?rfesten i Wroblowka har blivit en mötesplats, där olika företag med

Over 270 bln spent during 2007-2013

The infrastructure and development ministry announced on Monday that during the EU?s financial perspective 2007-2013, Poland managed to spend PLN 270.1 billion, of which

10th Anniversary of Poland?s accession to the European Union

On May 1st Poland will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of its accession to the European Union. Nine other European countries acceded to the
